Year end is Donation time

It is year-end time again but it is not too late to make your 2012 donations. Any donation receipted by a registered Canadian charity on or before December 31 will be eligible to claim on your 2012 tax return.  If you are uncertain as to the eligibility of the charity...

Good news for new OAS Applicants

You may have heard of the pending new Old Age Security (OAS) rules that will be coming into effect on July 1, 2013. The rules are quite clear for those turning 65 after July 1, 2013 as they will have the option to defer taking their OAS and increasing their future...

Spousal Loans – How do they work?

Spousal loans can work great in certain tax situations to shift investment income from a higher taxed spouse to a lower taxed one while also avoiding triggering the infamous “attribution rules” in the Income Tax Act.  This can result in significant tax...